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Ghiorghi and Cristina Cazacu founded Gospel Ministries International and Hope for the Family in 1996. For over two decades God has used them to transform nations through a network of pastors and evangelists who proclaim the Gospel and have planted dozens of churches in three Eastern European nations (Romania, Moldova, and Transniestria). GMI trains and equips these men and women through bible school training and discipleship. Alongside this army of the Lord, the Cazacu's provide humanitarian relief to the orphanages, poor, widows and elderly. GMI helps support rehabilitation centers and national missionaries are active in prison ministries. Families are enabled to become self-sufficient with small businesses such as bee farms or greenhouses. Institutionalized children are being placed in loving Christian families called Homes of Hope. The Cazacus have been married 29 years and have adopted 6 children. They have become role models of adoption for others. Many are being saved and healed daily through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are so thankful and appreciative of the friends and partners who are co-laboring together with God to impact nations along side us.

You can watch this video testimony about their early years and how the Cazacu's came to the United States by the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Gospel Ministries International, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.  All contributions are tax deductible.


Changing lives,

restoring families and transforming nations by making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.




PO Box 113

Warrenton, MO  63383

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